Monday, June 23, 2008

Smiley Girl

Chase, Olivia and I were on our way to my sis-n-law's house and Chase took these pictures of Olivia!! Did I give him the picture bug?? They are pretty good and smiley girl thought it was soo funny. I took the picture of the beautiful..God is awesome!!


Wright Family Happenings said...

Ok, so three almost teenagers, that makes you HOW OLD??? :) Just kidding!!! Glad to see the pics and hear from you! Matt and Joshua both have July birthdays too, Matt's is the 7th and Joshua's is the 19th...he is already giving out hints as to what he would like.....Ok, so he is flat out telling us, ha!

How is the summer going? Busy I bet! Talk to you soon.

Miss and love you,

Scott and Laurie Brown said...

Beautiful Girl, see you in a couple of weeks.(we have the same car seat, funny)

love ya